Wednesday, April 13, 2016

16 Ways To Spread Kindness

I have talked about the "Be kind people project" in many of my posts. These are things they posted on their website and Facebook page at the beginning of the year. I took each of the ideas, laminated them, and put them in the hallway for the kids/teachers to see. These are great ideas for any time of the year! Here is what each of the suggestions are:

1) Start a "Year of kindness box"
2) Smile more
3) Create a gratitude journal
4) Give out 3 compliments daily
5) Send an encouraging letter to yourself
6) Send a kind message to a different person each day
7) Send a thank you note to a different person each week (52 total)
8) Spend one hour with friends spreading kindness
9) Post positive sticky notes in different places you go
10) Before you get out of bed, think about a kindness quote or motto
11) Volunteer
12) Spend 10 minutes picking up litter in your neighborhood
13) Place kind body image messages on mirrors
14) Put coupons next to products in the grocery store
15) Do one kind thing every week for yourself
16) Be kind to the earth

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