Monday, February 29, 2016

Great Kindness Challenge 2016

We participated in the Great Kindness Challenge for the 2nd year in a row and the kids did an amazing job this year. I encourage everyone to register for the 2017 challenge. Please visit their website to get more information.

Here are a few highlights from the week....

Students from my leadership advisory committee held a breakfast for our local heroes (police officers, firemen, EMTs, bus drivers, and crossing guards). 

 Thank you posters were made for all groups and we also thanked them at our kick-off assembly. Students gave each group a standing ovation!! In addition, to our thank you posters and breakfast, every student wrote a personal thank you letter to a local hero in our community. 

Leadership Club Photo

Pictures from around the school

Ceiling tiles project 

We had a school wide fundraiser to raise money to help the Kids for Peace organization build a new school for children in Kenya. Students at Rogers raised almost $700!! We took milk jugs and decorated them to say "Great Kindness Challenge" and had one in each classroom.

Students also collected items to send to a soldier unit we adopted through a program called Project Frontlines. Students and families collected 12 large boxes of items to send to the troops!

You can find more information on what we have done for the great kindness challenge over the past 2 years on my website:

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