Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Self esteem class

This is my second summer teaching a self esteem course for girls. Throughout the 5 days, we worked on recognizing their strengths, loving themselves unconditionally, managing their emotions, and increasing their confidence using various strategies. I also used a few books during these lessons. I posted two of them in earlier posts, "Im gonna like me" and "I like myself". This is another one that I liked. After we read the book we talked about why each individual girl is great and things that she really likes about herself.

I also used Totika (a counselors version of Jenga) during this course. Using the colored blocks, the girls needed to answer questions depending on which color they chose while playing. 

Refer back to the posts on "I like myself" and "Im gonna like me" to get more ideas for self esteem lessons. 

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