Sunday, April 27, 2014

Counseling Reward System

I always like to reward my students for their hard work during individual or group counseling sessions. I came up with this system recently because I wanted to start getting away from just giving students candy at the end of their session. It was also getting extremely expensive refilling my candy jar each week :) Since our character education program C.A.R.E. (cooperate, appreciate, respect, excel) coincides with our school theme of bucketfilling I designed this system that uses both. My CARE jug is filled with red, blue and yellow buckets (shown below) that have one of the letters written on them. 

 I then have each colored bucket on a chart with a reward written inside of the bucket. At the end of each session, students pull a bucket out of the jug and then pick the reward from the corresponding bucket on my chart. Rewards include earning a CARE letter that goes into their classroom bucket (see earlier post to get more information on our school wide program), earning lunch with a teacher of their choice, picking a prize from my prize box or a piece of candy. I like this system better because it gives them choices and also reinforces the importance of bucket filling and showing CARE throughout their school day. 

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